Friday, 20 January 2012

My highlights of 2011!

Lil snippets of my year of 2011! It was a quiet nuff year so these are goin to be quite short but should get ye up to date!!! Anything you want more information on please let me know! :)

The most exciting thing that happened me in jan was the fact that a good friend of mine dyed my hair bright red! :) It was fab and I loved it !
Sexy or what?!!! ;) :P

It was also my sisters 18th....Happy Birthday Laura! Love You! xx

This was the month that my godson was born. I didnt know he would be my godson until march but I was still delighted that little Adam joined the world! :) He is such a lil cutie and would love to insert pic but his parents dont want his pic all over the internet(there damn right!).  I was single(again) for valentines day!! And I loved it! Saved me a few pennies! :) " Always look on the bright side of life! Do do do do do do do do!" :)

Was asked to be godmother at the end of this month! :) Sooooo happy! Beautiful Adam! :) And his daddy is my godfather so its a nice tradition.....kinda! :P

In April I went to see both my favourite bands so I was very very happy!!! :) I also entered a competion on the 5th of april to meet my idols Westlife! Ive adored them for the 13 years Ive known them and Im obsessed!!! In a good way! I entered myself 43 times! :/ Got my sister to enter 20 times for me and then I texted all my family and friends from my contacts to enter for me as well! And guess wat!!! On April 5 I got a phone call to say that my friend Brian got picked out! :) I was speechless and was literally smiling for days, you'd swear I had a hanger in my mouth!! The big day would be on the 9th of June! The prize was to see their concert in the marquee, cork, meet and greet with them before the show(eek) and a stay at the hotel! But more on that in June! ;) Back to April! I went to see the talented McFly in dublin at the start of the month with my friend Char.

Me in my grey McFly tee with my good friend char who came with me to McFly

Oh Emm Gee did they put on some show?! They were unbelievable and the set was magnificent. They were literally dancing over our heads at one stage! I was under dougie ;) (Nice!! )

See! I dont lie! :)

It was an excellent concert. It was my 2nd time seeing them and I would definitely go see them again and again and again!! The next day I found out I won, or should I say my friend won, the westlife comp for me and the best thing about that was in a  few days I was going to see them live in dublin!  On the 8th of april I went back up to Dublin to go see the one , the only WESTLIFE!! :)

My idols <3

They were unbelivable also! Our seats were front row at the side so we had a brillant view! :) We had a hotel fiasco before the concert so I was soooo sad but when I got to the concert and saw our seats I had the biggest smile and was feeling great all night then! Westlife should be doctors!! The fact I knew I was gona be meeting Westlife in 2 months as well really made the concert very exciting and just wanted the 9th of June to happen right there and then! But it didnt! So I just continued to enjoy the concert immensely! :)


In May I concentrated on my college work as I had exams throughout the month that I passed with flying colours! Delighted :) It was Adam's (godson) christening also in this month and I was so super nervous cause its my first time being a godparent.....woah responsibilty!

                                                 Basket of pressies I made for Adam!

Thankfully the day went grand for everyone! We had a really nice day and thanks again to my uncle and aunt for asking and trusting in me to  be Adams godmother :) It was also my mams birthday.....Happy Birthday Mam....Love and Miss you more and more every day (RIP) xxx


The best month of 2011 has arrived!! :) Me and my friend Aoife went to Cork( so far away ;) ) and met WESTLIFE! By far the best day of my life Westlife were amzing in concert and sooooo nice when I met them. When I was about to meet Shane I nearly had heart failure!!!!! Love him! They were all sooooo nice and def makes me want to meet them more!! Ive made a lil video of my day if you want see it.......

 Just Click Above! :)

Thank you again Brian for entering the comp for me! Your a star! :) LOVE YOU WESTLIFE!! :) Best day EVER!!
We also got a bit of sun in June!! Delighted! I LOVE the sun and would love to live somewhere thats is roasting EVERYDAY!!

Fathers Day also occured in June! I love buyin people pressies (when I have enough money that is!!) and doing things for people so I again made him up a basket!

The Basket I Made Him!
                                                                                    I also cooked him a good ole fry up!

My sister also finished secondary school in this month! So before she finshed her final exam I decorated the room in posters and had a part set up for her when she came home! :)

Me and My Friends Excellent Artistic Skills!


Nothing in particular happened in July. I just spent loadsa time with my family and friends.

Good Times!!


The last month of my summer holidays before I go back to college in September! Nothing exciting happened to me in this month. However it was my sisters debs at the end of the month. For all you non irish peeps, thats like prom! Debutante(excuse spelling!) Ball! And I did her make-up, tan and hair. It was my first time doing someones make-up for an occasion so I was a bit nervous but was happy when I did it!

Me and my sister!

                                                                        All Grown Up!!


Back to college and my studious life!! Im in my final year of beauty and body therapy!  I did the beauty side of it last year so I am now a qualified beautican. YAY me! This year I'm doing body therapy, epilation and a spa diploma. Im also taking an extra course to learn gel and acrylic nails. Phew.....knackered just thinking about it! I HATE it when people say beauticans are bimbos! Well I would like them people to name all the muscles, bones, veins, arteries and nodes of the body! Then we wil see who's laughing! Oooh Sharon breathe!! Sorry for my lil vent but it really does annoy me! Ye have been warned! ;) Only joking!
Also one of my bestest friends had a beautiful baby boy, Darragh at the end of this month! He is soooo cute! Congrats Dee and Ben and welcome to the world baby Darragh! :)


October was  a sad month for me! On the 19th of October Westlife announced they will b splittin up next year. I couldnt believe it when my sister told me. I literally cried for hours non stop. No joke! I was bawling! The amount of facebook messages and text messages I was getting from people saying they were sorry was unreal! It was like someone died....which as you should know me by now, It felt like it! So sad :( I got a ticket for their 2nd last nite in croke park in the gold circle but Im still determined to get one for the last ever night which is the next night as I HAVE to be there! I'm gonna be like niagra falls them nights anyway and I pity who ever is there with me!!! WESTLIFE FOREVER! <3 xx

On a happier note, on the 26th it was my doggy Perry's birthday! I love love love my dog soooooooo much! We treat him like another child here at home. LOVE him! Im such a big animal lover. I love ALL types of animals from insects to elephants! Everything and Animal creulty really really pisses me off!!! Excuse my language!

We put candles on Perry's dinner! Don't worry we kept hold of him so he didnt touch them! But he was fascinated by them! Awh Happy Birthday Perrykins! Love You! xx

I also went out for Halloween with one of my best friends and it was such good fun! In the words of Mean Girls " Halloween is the one night of the year when girls can dress up as sluts and nothing can be said" !!!! I dressed up as a cop and my friend dressed up as wonderwoman! I love going out for Halloween to see what people are dressed up as.....Interesting!

Dont harass me or I'll arrest ya! ;) :P

Such a fun night! Love Halloween....definitely one of my favourite holidays!


On the 7th of November I went to see Katy Perry in Dublin. I had never seen her before but I knew she would put on a good show. And Oh Emm Gee I was so right! It was one of the best concerts ever! The set was sooooo colourful I loved it!

Her Intro! Look at the colours WOW!

Her outfits were amazing and she sounded note perfect! Unbelievable and I would defintely go see her again! No question about it!

<----- Katy Perry's tushi!!! I swear I'm not wierd it was just the timing!!
Quick on stage outfit change ------->

 <----One of my fave parts of the concert when she sang "Its not like the movies". So beautiful.
 The next day was my mothers anniversairy. She unfortunately died in 2005 from cancer. I miss her everyday but I will NEVER stop loving you mam xxxx Love you <3
I also got invited to a wedding by my friend as her guest. It was so much fun and I loved it!

<------(Slightly Drunk!) Wedding OOTD!  
Me and my date! :P -------->

It was also my friends baby's christening  in Novemeber. Lil baby Darragh! :) Twas a fun night and I really enjoyed it :)


"And now, the end is near....." Yes we have come to the final and best month of the year! On the 4th it was my 22nd birthday! Damn I feel old!! I had a lovel chinese with my best friends and they surprised me with a cake afterwards and then we had a few drinkies!

Happy Birthday to me!!
The next night on my actual birthday, I went to someone elses birthday party( I know, how sad!) However my dad made up for it after and brought me out for , wait for it, another chinese! Lucky I love chinese right?! A week after this it was my dad's birthday Happy Birthday Dad! Love You! xx
And a week after this it was one of my bestest friends birthdat Aoife....Happy Birthday Beef! 3 in a row :P I didnt really do much in Decemeber as I was mostly working! Fun fun!
Christmas was a quiet one as well for me! I got soooo spoilt tho off Santa Claus! I asked for a phone but got a laptop and loadsa dvds also! I was soooo surprised to see the laptop and sooooo happy! No excuse now....have to have a blog! :P Thank you soooo much Santa ;) :P

                                                               Merry Christmas Everyone!!

 <-------Perry on his Christmas Pressie! :)
My Christmas Pressies! Im a lucky girl! :) ----->

The next day was St Stephans Day or Boxing Day! Its definitely a day for relaxing which I did until bout 6 o clock! Had the fire on, dvd's playing and didnt move off the couch until bout 7ish to get ready to go out! I love going out for Stephans day! Loadsa people are out and you can find out how everyones Christmas went and just have fun!

Unfortunately 2 days after this, I got the flu :( I had it until the first week of January so I couldnt even go out for New Years :( I felt so awful and couldnt even move so I was really upset that I could make it out! At least I know one of my New Years Resolution.....TAKE VITAMINS!

Well that was my 2011 in a nutshell! It was a pretty good year actually now when I'm looking back on it and I'm now excited for the year ahead! Bring on the adventures! :)


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