Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Tutorial Tuesday: Cupcake Pops!!

Heya Uguys 😊

Yet again another baking tutorial! I promise next week will be beauty related because Im no Gordan Ramsay and they're isnt alot of more things I can bake/cook!

Anyways, this week Im going to show ye how to make these yummy cake pops! I think these cake pops are such a neat idea! Sometimes, and I stress "sometimes", I do find cupcakes/muffins can be a little too much and you just want a lil treat! These are perfect and would be such a cute idea for any type of party! Anyway heres how I made them! 


The receipe for the cake pops themselves are the exact same as the cupcakes I made for last weeks tutorial. So check out that tutorial to make the actual mixture and to get the ingredients for these pops! When the mixture is all blended and made,follow these few easy-peasy steps! 

1.Once the mixture is made, spray a little bit of olive oil on the tray and scoop it up and divide it into the lil container like this one below that you can get at most homeware shop,at the moment anyways cause cakepops are all in right now! 😜 

Fill it nearly to the brim. Make sure not to make them too full as they will overflow and your pops will turn into a messy,lumpy cake!!! Not cool!

2.Once you have all the dips full, cover it over with the top of the baking container . 

3. Place in the oven at 180c for about 20 minutes. 

4. Once cooked, remove them from the container and pop a lollipop stick in the bottom of each pop and leave them cool on a stand for 5 minutes. I didn't actually have a stand so I handmade one out of the box the baking tray came in, as you'll see in the final picture! I'm a genius!! 😜👓 

5. Once you left them cool for around 5 minutes, its decorating time!! Again I used chocolate and sprinkles like I did for my cupcakes but you can use whatever you like! 

And you're done! Yum yum yum in my tum!

 My cake pops & fantastic stand!

Enjoy! 😊

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