Tuesday 22 April 2014

Tutorial Tuesday: Yummy Cupcakes in 5 easy steps!

Hey Uguys! 😊
I'm going to start this section every week called "Tutorial Tuesday" just so my blog has a bit more structure and what not! Its going to be mainly beauty related tutorials but like my life anything can happen and I could just write about that! 

Like todays tutorial! Everytime I go to a family get together or party I'm always asked to either bring my cupcakes or asked about them there and they really are the simpliest things to make so I said why not share it. So without further adieu.....my first tutorial: yummy 5 minute cupcakes 😊

Ingredients: 1:Cupcake mix
                   2:3 eggs
                   3:100mls of cold water
                   4:Half a bar of                    
                   cooking chocolate
                   5:Decorations of your 
                   choice (optional)

Step 1: Empty contents of cupcake mixture into a large mixing bowl and stir until all this little bumps and lumps are gone! 

Step 2: Create a hole in the middle of your mixture. Beat 3 eggs in a separate bowl and gradually add beaten eggs to the larger mixing bowl and knead it in with the dry ingredients. 

Step 3: Once all 3 eggs have been added and you are left with a thick paste consistency, gradually add 100mls (3/4 of a pint) of cold water until your mixture is smooth. 

Step 4: Baking part finito! Add this mixture into little cupcake dividers. This mixture makes about 9-12 cupcakes! Place them in the oven at 180c for 20-25 minutes. 

Step 5: Decorating 😊 My fave part!! Once the cupcakes are baked leave them cool down for about ten minutes before you start to decorate them. When they are ready melt your cooking chocolate for about 1 minute in the microwave and swirl your cupcakes around in them to make them yummy and chocolatty!! Add sprinkles or any other desired decoration and you're done 😊 
Enjoy 😊❤️


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